Sunday, January 21, 2007

Trevor tipped over Rustys food bowl this morning and scattered the food around the kitchen floor. Avery was waiting next to him so she could eat it.


scdougan said...

Jenn, I can't get over how cute Trevor is. Kristen and I were going through her photo album of him and it was so neat to see how he has changed over the months. Do you think you will have another little one???
Talk to you later,
Have a good rest of the weekend.
Headed to the coast for a few days.

Jen said...

Not sure if we will have a second or not. We are going to wait until he is two then decide. Right now he is a handful. Don't know how you do it with twins.
Have a great time on the coast. I am jealous...I haven't been there for about 8 years or so.