Friday, April 25, 2014

Egg Drop 2014

Trevor's school had their egg drop today.  This year Trevor put his egg in a loaf of bread made in the bread machine. We then put the bread in a small box so we could write his name on it.  Here is the egg going in before it goes into the box.  We stuffed the piece we cut out back in the hole.
 Trevor's egg being tossed off the shed.  It is usually thrown from the top of the school but it was raining.
 It survived!!
 His certificate.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Sacramento Trip April 2014

During Trevor's spring break we took a little trip to Sacramento with Grandma.  We went to the zoo, Fairy Tale Town and stayed in a hotel.
The boys at the zoo
 on the train

 on the merry go round
 Cole feeding a giraffe

 At the rose garden

 Trevor on the merry go round